Digital Readiness Check Step 1 Step 2 Please start the survey by enterig your name and email address. (This information is only used to send you your results after completing the survey. Your data will be deleted after your report has been send.) Name Email 7 + 0 = Please assess yourself with reference to the listed statements. Fully disagree Disagree Agree Fully agree I know the impact of digitization on my working area. I constantly update myself so that I'm aware of new trends. I engage my employees in strategic decision making processes. I believe that my company will remain successful if we regularly review processes and methods in terms of their fit for the (digital) future. I make sure that my employees are able to experience the new digital possibilities. My team is able to react fast in terms of change. I regularly discuss advantages of digitization with others. In my team, knowledge is easily accessible. I constantly use digital tools. I am always ready to test and try new approaches in my daily work. I know which aspects of my business can be digitized. I formulate an appealing vision of the future. I believe in the future, more of the decisions should be taken by employees, not by leaders. I actively seek digital solutions to simplify processes. My strategy is the result of the interpretation of solid data as opposed to being based on my gut feeling. I keep trying working "digital" even after facing first failures or challenges. I share my best practice concerning digital tools with other peers. I encourage my employees to be open towards taking risks.